Sunday, December 19, 2010


"Quite simply, use what you have until it can no longer function."

Semrau has a unique style of writing because he keeps certain information away from his readers and changes his discussions quickly.  Even though it is a different way of writing, this does help the intent of the essay. The intent of Semrau's essay was to show the relationship between our lifestyles and decisions to basic recycling.  He starts out his essay discussing the recycling process and how it can benefit people and the earth. He switches to how people can actually recycle their interests and put what talents and abilities they have to good use.  Semarau uses himself as an example.  He retired from one job and then moved on to use his other interests and turn those into jobs and potential careers even at an older age.  He also explains how it does not matter the stage of life a person is in as long as they are willing to use their gifts and passions. This style of writing makes the reader pay closer attention and analyze the author's point.  It also makes the reader take into consideration the impact that this could have on their own lives. The essay switches the subject of what is actually being recycled and it is a good way to keep the reader interested and thinking.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Savior of the Nations, Come" analysis

“Savior of the Nations, Come”, is a song written by Martin Luther that tells about the wonderful birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The theme is how God’s grace is shown to us through the birth of his Son.  Luther uses a variety of language tools to give an in depth perspective of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.  He describes the amazement over the birth by using descriptive phrases such as, “Woman's Offspring, pure and fresh”, “Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child”, and “Brightly doth Thy manger shine, Glorious is its light divine”. Luther shows how he is so grateful and amazed by how God sent his only son to save us.  He gives the reader a beautiful picture of the grace of God through the birth of our Savior.  He also uses pathos, or emotion to give the readers a better understanding of how this birth changed the lives of all people.  Luther did this by using words and phrases such as, “Marvel now, O heaven and earth” and “High the song of triumph swell!”  He wrote about how the heavens and earth marvel and how the song of triumph is sung because God sent our Savior to us.