Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Freedom of Speech?

"Civility in public discourse is important"  Chavez is trying to stress the importance of the public remaining dignified during the speeches and discussions that we being held.  The people who are in the audience listening to these conversations that are taking place need to be able to control themselves despite differing opinions so that order is kept and no one is hurt.

"Bellicose" is used to describe eagerness to fight or someone who is aggressively hostile.  These phrases and words are used in the article because they discuss how some people believe that using these certain words and phrases gives people ideas about taking them literally.  It is controversial that these phrases have caused many problems and given people ideas to take the phrases literally.  But, using bellicose metaphors gives a speech more emotion and helps people to better relate and understand what is being discussed.  

Chavez wants to persuade the reader to believe that the politicians of America need to be able to hold on to the freedom to use certain words that relate to their speeches. Some of these words help them to portray a understanding to their audience.  Too many people get offended by the use of certain words because they have a hidden meaning.  Politicians may sometimes use bellicose words, but more importantly, they are getting their point across.

  Mayor Anthony Williams forced the resignation a decade ago of a white staffer who used the word "niggardly" in a private staff meeting.” This word, which meant “miserly or parsimonious” was the reason that a staffer lost his job. By letting this happen people are losing their freedom of speech, and some people are looking too hard to find negative meanings.

I agree with Chavez’s point. Politicians and people in general need to be able to get their point across while they are speaking. In a way, this right is being taken away from them. There are those who are getting offended over some of the phrases, words, and metaphors that are being used.  They are being taken too literally, and people are concentrating on finding other misused meanings for the words.  While people need to be respectful and considerate of other people’s feelings, I do not think that drastic measures need to be taken to fix this problem. Certain terms and phrases should be avoided when possible, as to not cause any hurt feelings or issues with the public. But, many of the words being spoken have more than one meaning so taking offense to that is not always justified.