Monday, November 29, 2010

Rev. Borghardt's sermon vs. Edward's sermon

Rev. Borghardt used "Christ" in his sermon a total of eighteen times.  The verbs that he used to reveal what Christ does for us are:
  • "makes holy"
  • "slain"
  • "is Lamb"
  • "died"
  • "lives"
  • "makes us alive"
  • "reigns"
  • "makes you shine"
There are many differences between the theme of Rev. Borghardt's sermon and the theme of Edwards' sermon.  Edward's sermon describes how we are all sinners and how our wickedness sends us to hell.  He leaves out Christ and what Christ did to save all people who believe. His sermon had a theme of damnation for all people.  Rev. Borghardt's sermon describes the grace and forgiveness that was given to us freely by Jesus Christ.  He tells how Jesus took the punishment upon himself so that we would not have to endure it. His sermon has a theme of God's free grace.


  1. Bri,
    I really like how you use the word "wicknedness" to describe Edwards' sermon. I really shows the extreme harshness of his sermon. I also like how you bring that he doesnt mention Christ in his sermon. By doing this, I think you really accomplish your assingment given to you.
    Ashley Reincke :)

  2. Briiii,
    I find it very peculiar how you mentioned that 'our wickednss sends us to hell.' It really explains to the reader how the theme of Edward's lecture is described. Excellent! (:
    Katie Kern ♥
