Sunday, February 6, 2011

Technology Today

Postman was able to compare similar ideas and beliefs between his book and his speech at Calvin College.  He was even able to bring the Bible into one of his examples. Postman discussed how " thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, any likeness that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water beneath the earth." He took this quote from the Bible discussing how clonging or trying to recreate what only God can create is wrong. Postman was able to make a parallel in his speech about the cloning of animals and people.  He disussed how this was against what Jesus said and even what the buddah had stood for. Postman in his speech described the invention of clonging as a "21st century problem."

Postman also discussed in his speech how people are able to accustom themselves to changing situations and technology. In his speech he quoted the book "Being Digital" and said that generations have changed beause of the technology that we have and we will all continue to change and adapt. We will get used to talking to objects like a doorknob as easily as we talk to an answering machine. In his book he makes the same compasrison by stating that we today may not understand the impact that written word has on us today, but people in the past would view it as strange and magical. The comparison between these two ideas states that we continue to advance just as our technology advances. We also take for granted and do not understand what an impact technology today continually has on us.

1 comment:

  1. Two lines really stuck out to me. When you said,"we continue to advance just as our technology advances," is a good point but I think Postman is also trying to show that while advancement may be good, we are also losing something. Also i liked that you showed cloning as a bad thing, not just because we would be self-fish is making a clone to use it for pieces, but it is bad because "trying to recreate what only God can create is wrong".
