Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Too Much Laughing

In the last paragraph, Postman is discussing how people are beginning to laugh more and think less.  This distinction is very important because it relates to the main point that he has been trying to get across the whole book.  People are thinking less which means that they are becoming less intelligent. They are laughing more and foucusing on technology as pure entertainment.  This will lead to a dramatic change in our society today and even more in the future.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Technology Today

Postman was able to compare similar ideas and beliefs between his book and his speech at Calvin College.  He was even able to bring the Bible into one of his examples. Postman discussed how " thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, any likeness that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water beneath the earth." He took this quote from the Bible discussing how clonging or trying to recreate what only God can create is wrong. Postman was able to make a parallel in his speech about the cloning of animals and people.  He disussed how this was against what Jesus said and even what the buddah had stood for. Postman in his speech described the invention of clonging as a "21st century problem."

Postman also discussed in his speech how people are able to accustom themselves to changing situations and technology. In his speech he quoted the book "Being Digital" and said that generations have changed beause of the technology that we have and we will all continue to change and adapt. We will get used to talking to objects like a doorknob as easily as we talk to an answering machine. In his book he makes the same compasrison by stating that we today may not understand the impact that written word has on us today, but people in the past would view it as strange and magical. The comparison between these two ideas states that we continue to advance just as our technology advances. We also take for granted and do not understand what an impact technology today continually has on us.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Freedom of Speech?

"Civility in public discourse is important"  Chavez is trying to stress the importance of the public remaining dignified during the speeches and discussions that we being held.  The people who are in the audience listening to these conversations that are taking place need to be able to control themselves despite differing opinions so that order is kept and no one is hurt.

"Bellicose" is used to describe eagerness to fight or someone who is aggressively hostile.  These phrases and words are used in the article because they discuss how some people believe that using these certain words and phrases gives people ideas about taking them literally.  It is controversial that these phrases have caused many problems and given people ideas to take the phrases literally.  But, using bellicose metaphors gives a speech more emotion and helps people to better relate and understand what is being discussed.  

Chavez wants to persuade the reader to believe that the politicians of America need to be able to hold on to the freedom to use certain words that relate to their speeches. Some of these words help them to portray a understanding to their audience.  Too many people get offended by the use of certain words because they have a hidden meaning.  Politicians may sometimes use bellicose words, but more importantly, they are getting their point across.

  Mayor Anthony Williams forced the resignation a decade ago of a white staffer who used the word "niggardly" in a private staff meeting.” This word, which meant “miserly or parsimonious” was the reason that a staffer lost his job. By letting this happen people are losing their freedom of speech, and some people are looking too hard to find negative meanings.

I agree with Chavez’s point. Politicians and people in general need to be able to get their point across while they are speaking. In a way, this right is being taken away from them. There are those who are getting offended over some of the phrases, words, and metaphors that are being used.  They are being taken too literally, and people are concentrating on finding other misused meanings for the words.  While people need to be respectful and considerate of other people’s feelings, I do not think that drastic measures need to be taken to fix this problem. Certain terms and phrases should be avoided when possible, as to not cause any hurt feelings or issues with the public. But, many of the words being spoken have more than one meaning so taking offense to that is not always justified.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


"Quite simply, use what you have until it can no longer function."

Semrau has a unique style of writing because he keeps certain information away from his readers and changes his discussions quickly.  Even though it is a different way of writing, this does help the intent of the essay. The intent of Semrau's essay was to show the relationship between our lifestyles and decisions to basic recycling.  He starts out his essay discussing the recycling process and how it can benefit people and the earth. He switches to how people can actually recycle their interests and put what talents and abilities they have to good use.  Semarau uses himself as an example.  He retired from one job and then moved on to use his other interests and turn those into jobs and potential careers even at an older age.  He also explains how it does not matter the stage of life a person is in as long as they are willing to use their gifts and passions. This style of writing makes the reader pay closer attention and analyze the author's point.  It also makes the reader take into consideration the impact that this could have on their own lives. The essay switches the subject of what is actually being recycled and it is a good way to keep the reader interested and thinking.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Savior of the Nations, Come" analysis

“Savior of the Nations, Come”, is a song written by Martin Luther that tells about the wonderful birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The theme is how God’s grace is shown to us through the birth of his Son.  Luther uses a variety of language tools to give an in depth perspective of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.  He describes the amazement over the birth by using descriptive phrases such as, “Woman's Offspring, pure and fresh”, “Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child”, and “Brightly doth Thy manger shine, Glorious is its light divine”. Luther shows how he is so grateful and amazed by how God sent his only son to save us.  He gives the reader a beautiful picture of the grace of God through the birth of our Savior.  He also uses pathos, or emotion to give the readers a better understanding of how this birth changed the lives of all people.  Luther did this by using words and phrases such as, “Marvel now, O heaven and earth” and “High the song of triumph swell!”  He wrote about how the heavens and earth marvel and how the song of triumph is sung because God sent our Savior to us.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Rev. Borghardt's sermon vs. Edward's sermon

Rev. Borghardt used "Christ" in his sermon a total of eighteen times.  The verbs that he used to reveal what Christ does for us are:
  • "makes holy"
  • "slain"
  • "is Lamb"
  • "died"
  • "lives"
  • "makes us alive"
  • "reigns"
  • "makes you shine"
There are many differences between the theme of Rev. Borghardt's sermon and the theme of Edwards' sermon.  Edward's sermon describes how we are all sinners and how our wickedness sends us to hell.  He leaves out Christ and what Christ did to save all people who believe. His sermon had a theme of damnation for all people.  Rev. Borghardt's sermon describes the grace and forgiveness that was given to us freely by Jesus Christ.  He tells how Jesus took the punishment upon himself so that we would not have to endure it. His sermon has a theme of God's free grace.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Deacorating those Mirrors

The government is considering getting rid of the law that forbids people to hang objects from their rear view mirrors. They believe that if the object does not obscruct the driver's view it should be made legal.

"Bolger dismissed concerns about selective enforcement, saying police "can't stop every single car on the road for every single violation."" This quote stood out the most because it explains how the police are not going to be very demanding about this law. However, if there is an object hanging from a driver's mirror that could possibly be a threat to the safety of other drivers, they will be pulled over.

I agree with this ban. I believe that when somebody is driving every precaution needs to be taken to promote safety. If the object is not a threat to safety, then there is no issue with it.  However, if it is a threat, the person needs to be pulled over and required to take it down.